
Three years without a word to you. Nothing to do. I am so sorry I was not there when you needed me the most. No one knew how close we were, no one would have understood, you are in my cells, boy, and nothing else matters. Carpool. Brusters. I understood you, you understood me. I am sorry we couldnt talk those last few months, things might have turned out differently. The thing I hate the most in the world is the fact that we both knew that this life is the only life. we will never see each other ever again. we won't meet up in Heaven. we wont meet up in Hell. we will just sit, disintegrating, nourishing the Earth. I dont sit around and think, "At least he's in a better place," and i hate when people say that to me. life sucks, JP. you knew it. that's why you left when you did. people come and go so strangely here. i miss you, babe. I always will.
4/14/2010 04:41:45 pm

I have read everything on your website here, and.... I must say your one hell of an amazing woman. Your "style" of writing is like kicking back in a comfy Laz-e-boy recliner. Its easy, feels natural, and makes you wish you didnt have to get up. I cant say much else(I can only feel more), but Im hoping you keep writing more!!! too cool :)

4/15/2010 04:22:32 am

why, thank you. i have no idea who you are, but thank you.

4/9/2011 11:58:28 am



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