
What i have to say is: to each his own. I choose to think that my mind is my Temple, that the actuall scientific enlightenment of mankind as a whole is the Second Coming (after the religiously fanatical, feeble minded first coming--not saying that religious people are feeble minded, they are cute, just saying that religious fanaticism is for the weak), that Heaven is what humans will reach on earth as everyone comes to terms with reality, dissolves the barrier between humans that is organized religion, and begins to live harmoniously, that God is Humanity. We make our life what it is (following of course the strict physical guidelines of Block Universe Theory), we can end our life at the time of our choosing, by our own hand. He who has the power to end life, and He who has the power to create life, it is He who is God. If that isnt the basic definition of a human, then i dont know what is. we are here, we breed, and we often off ourselves. We have done the Impossible, and THAT, that makes us Mighty. Man is almighty. (sure, we dont have significant technology to prove the potentially provable String Theory, but we are getting there.) In conclusion, all around the world, we kneel, gazing skyward, waiting for"God", never realizing that "God" is waiting for us. We are cretors, yet we naively play the role of "the created". We kneel like frightened children, begging for help, for forgiveness, for good fortune. But once we realize that we were not merely created in the IMAGE of God, that we are collectively so omnipotent that we actually ARE the image of God, we will start to understand that we, lowly humans, are too Creators. When we understand this fact, then the doors will burst wide open for Human Potential. When you really get down to it, the word "Elohim", the Almighty God in Genesis, does not actually mean "The One", it means, "The Many".
4/5/2010 12:58:57 am

so you're a realist. big deal. I'm a surrealist.

4/6/2010 02:43:12 pm

whatevs. to each his own.

4/7/2010 04:12:54 am

why aren't more people like you

4/7/2010 04:15:48 am

who are the children of men if we are Elohim? What is the meaning of Genesis 6:1

4/7/2010 02:19:53 pm

To me (the realist, the humanist, the pragmaticist), "sons of god" refers to humans in their underdeveloped, unscientificallyenlightened mindset. We are "sons", we are "daughters", we are "apprentices". no more, no less.

1/24/2012 11:51:30 pm

Great info, thx

1/25/2012 01:25:48 am

nice post

3/22/2012 07:19:24 am

Many thanks for info

3/27/2012 06:47:10 am

THX for info


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