
Earth. always changing. all history ever has been is a series of changes, changes to the status quo. it just…it just…we can’t just stop. we’re not rocks - progress, migration, motion is…modernity. its animate, its what living things do. We desire. Even if all we desire is stillness, it’s still desire for. Even if we go faster than we should. We sit here, hoping, desiring, never able to do things for ourselves, always waiting around for God to do things for us. Grovelling at his feet, waiting for the world to change so we dont have to. We wander through our lives, hoping that we will be saved, rescued from every little obstacle that comes our way. Faith is a weakness, a distraction, a way to get around having to deal with hardships and pain, a way out. we are always waiting, but we can’t even wait properly. we have to invent notions of apocalyptic proportions, soon to happen. We can't wait. And wait for what?


He isn’t coming back, how can he? He was never here to begin with.

and even if He was here before, even if he did come back…

if He ever did come back, if He ever dared to show His face or His Glyph or whatever on this planet again…if after all this destruction, if after all the terrible days of this terrible century in this terrible millennium He returned to see how much suffering His abandonment had created, if all He has to offer is death as a release from this terrible world, we should sue the bastard. That’s my only contribution to all this theology. Sue the bastard for walking out, how dare he.
What i have to say is: to each his own. I choose to think that my mind is my Temple, that the actuall scientific enlightenment of mankind as a whole is the Second Coming (after the religiously fanatical, feeble minded first coming--not saying that religious people are feeble minded, they are cute, just saying that religious fanaticism is for the weak), that Heaven is what humans will reach on earth as everyone comes to terms with reality, dissolves the barrier between humans that is organized religion, and begins to live harmoniously, that God is Humanity. We make our life what it is (following of course the strict physical guidelines of Block Universe Theory), we can end our life at the time of our choosing, by our own hand. He who has the power to end life, and He who has the power to create life, it is He who is God. If that isnt the basic definition of a human, then i dont know what is. we are here, we breed, and we often off ourselves. We have done the Impossible, and THAT, that makes us Mighty. Man is almighty. (sure, we dont have significant technology to prove the potentially provable String Theory, but we are getting there.) In conclusion, all around the world, we kneel, gazing skyward, waiting for"God", never realizing that "God" is waiting for us. We are cretors, yet we naively play the role of "the created". We kneel like frightened children, begging for help, for forgiveness, for good fortune. But once we realize that we were not merely created in the IMAGE of God, that we are collectively so omnipotent that we actually ARE the image of God, we will start to understand that we, lowly humans, are too Creators. When we understand this fact, then the doors will burst wide open for Human Potential. When you really get down to it, the word "Elohim", the Almighty God in Genesis, does not actually mean "The One", it means, "The Many".
I found this interesting website. I typed in "Christianity" on google, and the first thing to come up was " bullshit, " so I clicked on it and this was the first website to pop up. Very well thought out and concise.

check it out. The guy likes comments. Thoughtful comments. Not just, "This site is cool," or "You are a dick," but creative, THOUGHTFUL comments.

"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities."
I wish people understood that even if Jesus were the son of God, and even if he were to come back to Earth, he would be immediately incarcerated in an asylum for the mentally insane for even voicing the notion that he is God returned.