
So, I finally got a real job, even if it is not forever. I am now an official-already been fingerprinted-already been sworn in-government official. I work at the US Census Bureau office in Augusta, Ga. YAY. I am really excited because I get to fingerprint people and hire people and lots of exciting things. I control things now. for reals. But really, it is a great opportunity for me, it will get me connections and rapport with people who can further my interests at a national level. Once I work my way up the chain here in the lovely United States, I can further my own interests at an international level. One day I will have all of the influence I want and all of the clearance I need. 
So, today I am getting my gallbladder removed. The surgeon should be here to brief me within the next hour. I think they are just going to do the surgery laproscopically, but I am not sure. I am sort of glad that this is happening, because I am hopeful that after they finish the surgery, I won't feel like shit all the time. The downside is that I will have to completely change the way I eat. One website on gallbladder removal says that, once the gallbladder is out, you can no longer eat chicken, red redmeat, most starches, corn, onions, cauliflower, alcohol, soda, etc. Those are some of my favourite things!  Oh well, what needs to happen should happen. The site also says that once you have your gallbladder removed, your liver is forced to process all of your body's sludge alone and that you can more easily develop biliary stones in your liver. I hate bodily stones! Like kidney stones...eck.  Besides the whole being in the hospital bed all day and not eating anything for three days (so far), I like the hospital. I love doctors, and nurses are nice, so I am pretty happy. Plus, I am at the best hospital ever, University Hospital, so it's deeeece. Peace. God Bless. Totally joking...